Sunday, March 7, 2010


So I forgot what it's like to have a puppy. They're cute, charming and this one just seems to be the most adorable thing on the face of the earth.

However, I've come to find out that this little bag of fur will play with anything, and I mean anything, that wasn't purchased for the sole purpose of his teething needs. I dropped bank on treats, puppy chews and little stuffed animals with squeaky things guaranteed to drive me crazy. Alas, he just wants to chew on shit that shouldn't be gnawed on:

- Zippers, on anything.
- Blankets.
- Shoes.
- His crate.
- My computer.
- Any sort of electronic wire.
- Buttons.
- My fingers.
- The fucking carpet.
- Hair. My DAMN HAIR*

(*Only in the middle of the night while I'm invested in some glorious slumber)

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he's angry at the confusion over his name. I dubbed the gremlin Knuckles. Which then turned into Knuckles Tyrone Charles Barkley after a night of beer pong at the house. I have a roommate who refuses to call him anything but Scott Baio. There's another friend that dubbed him Cruiser. This is going to ruin my life when I take him to the vet.

Current name: Mr. Sweatersworth Knuckles Tyrone Scott Baio Cruiser Charles Barkley.


Sorry, dude.

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