Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bluetooth Usage

I know California passed that wonderful law forbidding anyone to drive while using their cellular phone aka "handheld device". After witnessing some of my friends try to drive while on the phone, I happen to think is a splendid law to have instated.

Yeah, this law is saving lives. But it's also sprouting a trend that can only be horrifically compared to as what I like to refer to as The Era Of Crocs. I have a Bluetooth device so I can call someone when I get lost without breaking the law. However, the little doodad stays in the car. Because that's what it's for.

Examples of when you don't need a phone literally attached to your ear:

-While out for a family dinner. You're going to scar your children by making them think business is more important than the fact they want a Shirley Temple STAT
-When standing in line behind me at the bank. It's quiet in there and everyone can hear your discussion with your wife over the fact you got gas from the broccoli at last night's dinner.
-During a date. Nothing says "You're special" like an impending phone call to the UFO you have lodged in your ear canal.

So, to everyone who thinks they need to use their hands free device while conducting non-vehicle related activities: PLEASE STOP. You look like an effing moron.

This guy even has major cool points on you:

1 comment:

Rob Zepeda said...

agree, leave the peripherals in the car please.

but look at the bright side: in the future, communication devices might be disguised as a fashionable pair of earrings and matching necklace. would you rock them then?